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My mother just died. Primary doctor was professor Dr.khin Maung Htay( kidney specialist)and the most irresponsible person on earth. How can you see a patient less than a minute to determine the patient. He thinks he is above the law and he has licence to kill any patients. I hope you see this message. I hope you should be arrested for manslaughter. Myanmar government should enforce the law to excute this kind of unhuman doctors and his collage to full extense. You know, what comes around goes around. Wait and see how you die helpless in hospital bed with several tubes coming out of your body doing hemodialysis everyday like you did to my mother. My family paid you for your service but you choose to take the money and treated my mother as a piece of meat. You will choke on that kind of money you took from several patients that you played God. Apparently I am not going to do anything to you but the Karma will gets you. I wish you well until Karma gets you. One life you killed means nothing to you but it happened to be my mother. Hope your Mother is well but your turn will come. Here is a piece of advice. You are a doctor to save people lives, don't enjoy too much on your fame as an professor. To me you are a piece of shit. Think about it before you go to bed everyday. YOU KILLED MY MOTHER. DAW KHIN AYE KYU. She is an ash now thanks to you. Hope Karma gets you soon.

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