SAT Exam Preparation Course

About the product
Why Listening Needs to be Active
Your brain needs you to bring attention to things to remember them.

By paying close attention to something and repeating it multiple times, you send a clear message to your brain that something is important and needs to be remembered. This obviously applies to things like learning vocabulary but it’s also true when it comes to the other parts of listening, including sounds, accents, intonation or phrasing. You need to bring attention to them. That’s why it’s important to listen actively rather than passively when you practice.

Another reason to practice active listening is to get used to differences between how words sound on their own and how they sound in context. Native speakers often ‘smash’ words together when they speak. We do this ourselves in English. For example, in American English the phrase ‘what’s up?’ often sounds more like ‘wassup?’ or in Hiberno-English a greeting like ‘how’s it going?’ often becomes ‘howsagoin?’

These are things we take for granted in our native languages but when you hear such transformations in a foreign language, they can leave you totally lost!

That’s why sometimes you might know a word but not recognise it when you hear it because the sounds mutate when they're spoken together rapidly by native speakers. This is one of the many reasons why focused listening practice is important. Just learning individual words isn’t enough. You need to hear how these words sound and appear in context and that’s not something you can pick up passively. Learning new words but never hearing them isn't sufficient when it comes to high level, real-life conversation.

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New Sovereign Myanmar
Taunggyi, Myanmar
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