Bed Bug Control

Bed Bug Control
About the product
Bed bugs can be found wherever people sleep, including homes, hotels, hostels, ships and even aircraft. They are usually hidden in cracks and crevices close to the bed, e.g. on the bedding around the mattress, in crevices on the bed frame, behind the headboard, or between the floorboards. Bed bugs usually feed at night when the host is asleep. If deprived of a blood meal, bed bugs can survive for up to a year. Bed bugs can travel up to 4 metres to feed and therefore a comprehensive survey is essential to identify the bed bug harbourage sites.

Female bed bug lay a few eggs daily, which they cement onto surfaces close to their harbourage, usually close to their host animal. Rooms can become infested by bed bugs crawling in directly from adjoining infested premises, mainly through electric wiring and sockets. Over longer distances, bed bugs may be carried into premises on infested furniture or luggage.

Our bed bug specialists can provide a range of treatments, including a Bed bug Barrier Treatment (BBT) and a Superheated Dry Steam Treatment (SDST). Our SDST treatment is able to deliver:

1. Complete removal of a bed bug infestation in one session, making it ideal for busy hotels.
2. Steam produced during the treatment eliminates all stages of a bed bug’s life cycle, from eggs to adults.
3. Pesticide-free so can be delivered in the presence of people.
4. Rooms do not have to be closed for or after treatment, allowing you to resell the room that evening, greatly limiting economic losses.
5. Depending on the treatment plan, we offer a 1 – 6 month Service Warranty, where we will retreat any re-infestation for free.

Javelin’s Bed bug Barrier Treatment (BBT) uses specifically designed odourless pesticides that target bed bugs. Your Javelin technician will spray the perimeter of the bedroom to create a protective coat of residue. Cracks and crevices around bedside tables, chairs and curtains will also be treated to provide long term protection.
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